3 Days To Digest


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1) классифицировать, систематизировать, приводить в порядок

Every government is bound to digest the whole law into a code. — Каждое правительство обязано объединить все законы в кодекс.

3) переваривать (пищу)

The cattle cannot digest tobacco. — Жвачные животные не переваривают табак.

5) усваивать, понимать; думать, продумывать

He likes to digest what he reads. — Он любит вдумываться в то, что читает.

The regent was busy in digesting the plan of compromise. — Регент был занят обдумыванием того, как достигнуть компромисса.

I don't digest this man. — Я его на дух не выношу.

This opinion, I say, I can hardly digest. — Едва ли соглашусь с этим мнением.

I cannot digest the loss of his works. — Никак не могу смириться с тем, что его труды утрачены.

brook, endure, swallow, stomach
8) вывариваться, выпариваться; настаиваться

Digest the bark in alcohol, evaporate the alcoholic solution to dryness. — Сделайте настойку на спирту, а затем выпарите спиртовой раствор.

Let them stand to digest twelve or fourteen days. — Оставьте их настаиваться на двенадцать-четырнадцать дней.

2. ['daɪʤest]сущ.
2) дайджест, обзор прессы, другой периодической литературы
4) сборник (каких-л. материалов, в частности, юридических)
Юстиниановы дигесты, пандекты (тексты римского права, собранные и систематизированные при императоре Юстиниане)

Англо-русский современный словарь. 2014.

Смотреть что такое 'digest' в других словарях:

  • Digest — can refer to any of the following: A condensed collection or compendium of writings: Pandects, or The Digest , a digest of Roman law A tax digest Digest size magazine format, used by some magazines (though not always consistently used by… … Wikipedia

  • digest — di·gest / dī ˌjest/ n [Latin digesta, from neuter plural of digestus, past participle of digerere to disperse, arrange]: a compilation of legal rules, statutes, or decisions systematically arranged Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam… … Law dictionary

  • digest — [ dajʒɛst; diʒɛst ] n. m. • 1930; mot angl. amér. ♦ Anglic. Résumé, condensé d un livre; publication formée de tels condensés. Recomm. offic. condensé. ⊗ HOM. Digeste. ● digest nom masculin (américain digest) Résumé d un livre ou d un article ;… … Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Digest — Di*gest , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Digested}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Digesting}.] [L. digestus, p. p. of digerere to separate, arrange, dissolve, digest; di = dis + gerere to bear, carry, wear. See {Jest}.] 1. To distribute or arrange methodically; to work … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Digest — Di gest, n. [L. digestum, pl. digesta, neut., fr. digestus, p. p.: cf. F. digeste. See {Digest}, v. t.] That which is digested; especially, that which is worked over, classified, and arranged under proper heads or titles; esp. (Law), A… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • digest — [n] abridgement of something written abstract, aperçu, brief, compendium, condensation, epitome, pandect, précis, résumé, short form, sketch, summary, survey, syllabus, sylloge, synopsis; concept 271 Ant. unabridgement digest [v1] assimilate food … New thesaurus

  • digest — digést s. n., adj. m., pl. digéşti; f. sg. digéstă, pl. digéste Trimis de siveco, 30.04.2008. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic digést s. n., pl … Dicționar Român

  • digest — [dī′jest΄; ] for v. [ di jest′, dījest′] n. [ME < L digesta (in LL, a collection of writings), orig. pl. of digestus, pp. of digerere, to separate, explain < di , apart + gerere, to bear, carry] 1. a condensed but comprehensive account of a … English World dictionary

  • digest — ► VERB 1) break down (food) in the stomach and intestines into substances that can be absorbed by the body. 2) Chemistry treat (a substance) with heat, enzymes, or a solvent to break it down. 3) reflect on and assimilate (information). ► NOUN 1)… … English terms dictionary

  • Digest — Di*gest , v. i. 1. To undergo digestion; as, food digests well or ill. [1913 Webster] 2. (Med.) To suppurate; to generate pus, as an ulcer. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • digest — UK US /daɪˈdʒest/ verb [T] ► FINANCE if a company digests another company that it has bought, it makes the action successful, so that the new bigger company is able to make a profit, etc: »The high street lender has digested the acquisition of… … Financial and business terms


  • Architectural Digest/Ad 09-2018, Редакция журнала Architectural Digest/Ad. АD (Architectural Digest) – ежемесячный журнал об архитектуре и дизайне интерьеров, рассчитанный на самых образованных, искушенных и состоятельных читателей.AD – это журнал для тех, кто… ПодробнееКупить за 66 рубэлектронная книга
  • Architectural Digest/Ad 08-2018, Редакция журнала Architectural Digest/Ad. АD (Architectural Digest) – ежемесячный журнал об архитектуре и дизайне интерьеров, рассчитанный на самых образованных, искушенных и состоятельных читателей.AD – это журнал для тех, кто… ПодробнееКупить за 66 рубэлектронная книга
  • Architectural Digest/Ad 07-2018, Редакция журнала Architectural Digest/Ad. АD (Architectural Digest) – ежемесячный журнал об архитектуре и дизайне интерьеров, рассчитанный на самых образованных, искушенных и состоятельных читателей.AD – это журнал для тех, кто… ПодробнееКупить за 66 рубэлектронная книга
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Date of Travel: 22-25 Jan 2014
Day 3
'Oh no! My shoes!' It pays to wear waterproof/Goretex shoes in winter

Having seen lots of buildings around Barcelona, we started the day with something not in my original itinerary at all: To see the beach! Yes it's in the middle of winter and we must be crazy going there in our heavy jackets. After eating at our hotel room again, we took the train to Drassenes station and walked to the Christopher Columbus monument. This area is known as Barceloneta, which seems to be the older part of Barcelona. It was a beautiful, beautiful morning by the water, eventhough the water was cold!
Bicycles for hire, but it was not available for tourists

Hi Christopher Columbus!

Such a beautiful sky in the middle of winter

A circus was in town. Quite a big setup too.

That's the W hotel, which reminds me of the Burj Al-Arab

We saw the W hotel from afar, and decided to pay a visit to their loo. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh nice man. Too bad no photos haha. Just next to the W hotel, was the Desigual headquarters. A huge store for shopping again.
It was really cold u'know!

Next up, it was time for lunch. We wanted to try something truly Spanish in our eyes, and that would be a paella. Unfortunately, Barcelona is Catalan cuisine, not Spanish. So there were very few places offering authentic ones. Out of all of them, we picked Kaiku Restaurant which was by the sea. Here's the interesting part. You never ever interrupt a Spaniard during his lunch hour. When is lunch hour? Typically from 1pm - 4pm. Sometimes restaurants only open at 1:30pm. Then when is dinner? Typically from 8pm - 1am. Lunch hour is a very sacred event, you do not ask your employee to return earlier from lunch. We arrived at Kaiku Restaurant at 12:15pm, feeling really cold and tired. All the employees of Kaiku were having their lunch. We decided to sit just outside the restaurant and look like lost puppies, hoping to get inside, away from the cold winds. But no such luck. They didn't bat an eyelid, totally ignored us even when we wrote our names on their booking list. At exactly 1:00pm, someone came to let us in. Was it worth waiting in the freezing cold? Totally!!
The only menu we could look at before Kaiku Restaurant officially opened at 1:00pm

2 soups that looked funky, but superb @ €3.45 each

A fish dish to complement the Paella €14.72

€16.90 per person, this was meant for 2 = €33.80. Wish we had ordered more. Wahhhh yums!

With our tummies filled, it was time to walk again. Barcelona has 2 funiculars. We wanted to ride the cable car to the top of the mountain, and continue on to the funicular. But someone *ahem ahem* got really scared of heights when he saw how tall it was going to be. Luckily it was too expensive for our liking (€11/pax one way), and we detoured to the second funicular to Mt Monjuic instead. This funicular actually starts from the metro underground station, it took us quite awhile to locate it. The view was breathtaking!
Hunting for the funicular to Mt Monjuic, but none in sight. It was actually under the road

This is the station from the top of the mountain

Although there was a lights show on at 7pm at the Magic Fountain of Mount Monjuic, we were too tired to wait it out. Decided to go shopping instead at Catalunya area. We first visited fnac shopping centre, but it was a let-down. Nothing much there at all. Just next door was El Cortes Ingles, and that's where my knee totally gave way. I couldn't walk anymore at that point, and could only sit somewhere inside the mall waiting for them. Because of my knee, we had no choice but to pick the nearest restaurant to El Cortes Ingles, which turned out to be Hard Rock Cafe. Sorry guys for such a disappointing meal that night. My fault. After dinner, I even had to take a taxi back to the hotel, which would otherwise have been a 10-15 minute walk.
Supposedly Salmon

Beef & Chicken Fajitas for €18.95

Mayday songs were playing, inside Hard Rock Cafe Barcelona!

Oh, at our hotel room, WK surprised us with a gift - Iberico Ham! Ta-dah! Unfortunately, it was so darn salty, I was scared my hair would fall out on the spot.
Note to self - I do not like Iberico Ham, no matter how expensive it is

This was really nice. Must buy more next time

Day 3's Expenses:
Lunch = €67.21 + €2.79 tip
Shopping = €20 worth of chocolates to bring home

3 Days To Digest Game Guide

Dinner = €46.75 (no tip for bad service!)
Taxi = €5.70
Day 4
Took the Renfe train to airport, where it stopped at Terminal 2A. It took me 40 minutes to walk from Terminal 2A to 2C with my crippled leg, and we were so scared to miss the flight that morning. But HH managed to grab yet another Desigual T-shirt just in front of the boarding gate kakakaka.
Continue reading on Europe2014:
How I Ended Up In Norway In Jan 2014
6 Days Itinerary In Italy - Day 1 & 2

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4 Days in Barcelona - Day 2

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4 Days In Berlin - Intended Itinerary
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4 Days In Berlin - Day 2, 3 & 4

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Northern Lights in Tromso, Norway - Day 2
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